Sunday, December 26, 2010

My Man's Heart Runs

My man’s heart runs with beating blood
the colour of Southern sorrow

strung veins straining with a love
for men with no tomorrow

Rinsed through with bellowed

soaked with soaring

My man’s heart runs with beating blood
the colour of Southern cries.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Other Morning

I dreamt some benevolent being leant over my head

and as it swooped to kiss my brow

the alarm sounded

Monday, November 29, 2010

Concentric Circles

we work in concentric

round and back the way we

curled, one within the
other, clicked in together on
different scales, made with different
radii, lined where different lines lie but otherwise we find we are
identically the same

you and I share the same fundamental, mathematical

we are concentric

round and back the way we

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What Do We Do

what do we do
when the ones we look to
have buried
their eyes
in their

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Bourke St 27/11/2009

I am looking out the window onto a cool and leafy world - Bourke St is fizzing in a coat of post-heat spittle, sweating out the grime of the thousand footfalls that befell her today. She hushes, swishes, pushes trams through her weary body, walked over, walked over, endlessly, always. And I sit in a pocket of her torso breast height, most likely, wishing the particularly woeful walkers well, and meaning it, before some smarmy smartarse parading through my scene sparks my wrath, my all-seeing, all-searing censure. It's these villains who break my alliance with the man on the street, these who turn me into a tyrant, triggering my desire for fire, or maybe I'll send a flood?

Who could be my Noah?

I'll need a good swimmer, a good rower. Someone who can weather a storm, a real goer. Maybe the Sudanese man out the front of the Red Violin, I'm sure he's seen worse times than these. Yeah, him. Definitely not the stumbling stiletto'd staggerer, styled to the nines in the finest Supre` had to offer. Arks get rickety, and she's finding it tricky enough trying to stand on land. No, she's not my man. I think I'll stick with the one from Sudan.

Right, so, what's my plan?

Tell him what I'm feeling? Make him understand the situation? The way things are? And ask him if he's willing to be my star? My chosen one? No one'd turn it down, surely. Not once they hear abut my plans for Bourke, no way. They'd set to work on an ark straight away, they'd get all the animals picked and they'd pray for my guidance, my mercy, and maybe the sparing of their friends and their family. And I'd grant that, for sure! I mean, what are gods for?

Monday, September 27, 2010


I was once a boy but now
I am the living death

nearing pure obliteration
gearing towards that




I will go
and take others with me

blow their worlds apart
change the course of history

I will take the road
from the earth up to the stars


I was once a boy but now
I am a kamikaze

Friday, September 17, 2010


I bought a certain shampoo because it smelled like something I'd
forgotten - showers at the Eltham
pool - my fellow small girls
sharing sweet shampoo - the mothers
half-wet from helping us lather our heads - bulky bosoms
bustling round the room - wedding-ringed hands
briskly towelling us
dry - dripping ponytails
on the bus back - uniforms sopping
at the neck - hope
and health
and the holy road
I bought the shampoo because it smelled like
and I used it
in spite of the parabens and petrochemicals on the label.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Oh my pitterpatter friend Grief
you little baby bother, with your iddybiddy
feet, you live inside each of my
brothers, give us all a papery leaf
from your book and take our mothers from
our fathers, make stewing cauldrons of the
meek, lifting love out of our
lovers. Grief

you useless eunuch

I could mistake you for no

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Passing the Treasury

3 men run by me
Proper men, men
with maths and
cars, and careers
and stocks, men
with mechanics and
wives and an idea
of how locks work

these men have
taken a break from
work for an 0 H and S
sponsored relief
from R S I
sweat, real man
sweat, running down
their shiny heads
dripping into their
Oakley-glassered eyes

and one of them breaks
off, jogging toward the
office to the rhythm of
friendly goodbyes

“Bye Frank!”, “Seeya Frank!”

imagine if I were one of those math-car-career-man-Frank-goodbying

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Untitled #10

There are mornings when I wake up and the curtain is drawn in such a way that I can just see a small square of sky. The buildings huddled like bumbling titans around my apartment are eliminated from view, and for all I know they could have been eliminated, fantastically, in the night. All I have to do to go with this notion is believe it; feel it drum through me, the thrill of being the last one alive after the apocalypse. On these mornings when I’ve got this view of the bare sky just right I am careful to move very little. I lie as still as I can and I focus, focus, focus on that patch and let the remnants of the dream state guide me to some possible answers for where I ‘am’. The trams become sighing vessels on a vast sea, moaning through the ocean like great whales in search of food or company. Yes, I am in the middle of the sea. My apartment is lost at sea and the sea is licking up its concrete walls like an ancient beast.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


these lilies blow through the room

throw their bodies








Friday, July 30, 2010



translucent as a freshly peeled Gogol

God sealed a deal in

had the golden season crown its leaves with
you and crack

the trees with

We are all asunder at your Autumn


we are beyond measure in your

Monday, July 19, 2010


Oh, Noam,
how we struggle and

how we search and we

for reprieve

you didn't find it
in flannel pockets

will you find it
up a pressed shirt sleeve?


The arcade light looks like
a bulbous moon
reflecting in the windows
of our blooming worlds.

Antonia, reading, behind the register,
is turned to a swooning
lover, drifting, dreamily,
upon a lagoon.

Denham, the crooning master
of some lunatic

And me, beneath that
orb-like balloon,
I am the scribe of its dictated

Untitled #9

the baby was struck by

Monday, July 12, 2010

Sunday Morning

Sunday morning

and all of last night's debaucherous
creatures come yawning from their
warm, sun-soaked winter bedrooms, some
alone, some in pairs, dopily fawning on
one another with heavy hungover
smiles and the residue of sex trawling
small-ly behind them.

Almost twelve

and all of these formerly bed-ridden
babies of the dawn need breakfast, lots
of coffee, strawberry jam on a
scone, balls of marscapone for their
waffles, all the comforts a glorious
cafe-foray brings after an evening of
forgetting these things.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Instead of Dying

gentle James
says through his frames
that he wants
to be lost
at sea.


I ring with the dark things

I Have Been Running

I have been running
these three

I have been running
because I need to be

I have been running
I have needed the
slap the
sting of
waking the
rip from the
womb of

I have been running
I have needed the cold
tubes of my frozen
veins to


my white
hands to
mottle with
purple and

I have been running
I have needed my face to
flush and
forehead to
gush with

the oily
water of
stagnation and

I have been running
I have been running
I have been running

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Untitled #6

My heart is lined with trees but my soul is the city. It fills my body and forms my words. It is the breath blown into me; cold, smoggy, sly, necessary. The city has spread its sediment along my bones. And though my tree-heart cleans the veins that branch through this vessel, the city's terrible, glorious soot will choke me, lovingly, in the end. And it's an end I accept. An end that I fear and covet. Because death is fearful. Because death is right.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Miss Dior (was what I wore)

This sting
is the bittersweet ring of orange,
cinnamon, myrrh, all
things that purr with the pain of love in
loss, all syrups that gloss the matt fact of
lack, all strains of sublime in the
And while I wind
between its fingers, sing
with the hymn of its
whim, the bittersweet scent is all that
lingers, in bittersweet memory of

Untitled #4

Last night I lay on my bedroom floor
dead. Dead, my head half in the tomb's core
ready for prayers and embalming and all of the awful,
necessary, awful mourning,
when a shard of musical light shone in between the slits in my wall
and hit my ears and tore
my chest and wore
me like a glove and ordered
my blood to beat! Slowly, but still! I had been so sure
I would be no more
but the blues restored
me to life and swore
I'd continue in spite of it all.

The Bare Bones of the Rabbit

inhabit my room, low
and behold their chalklike whiteness placed in the mighty reverence of a Tschaikowsky-guarded tomb, though
there’s no
really any other morsel of the body, no
torso, no
legs, no
paws, and it’s
also missing part of its
head, but what’s left is
cherished, saved from
perishing by a nature-loving
man, a gentle mischief-maker, skull-taker and
relisher of life, who bestowed
this deathly gift upon the
White Wave of Strife.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

(My Marvellous) Miraculous Medal (Montage)

Every anniversary
they pinned the coin of Christ on me
and prayed
I'd stay
the course.

Marble Jesuses

scrape together like a
set of marble Jesuses
crucified by

Monday, June 14, 2010

Friday, June 11, 2010

Genevieve's Shoes

these shoes are Genevieve’s shoes these
shoes Genevieve chose to use she
goes wherever she chooses she’s chosen
leather these shoes are Genevieve’s shoes

Friday, June 4, 2010


His hands are INSANELY
huge, there is NO
pretending otherwise! I TRY
to avoid looking at them in particular but he is a WILD
gesticulator and those hands are THRUSTING
like two very well-equipped hips. I SWEAR
he is more hand than man! Look at THEM!
Look at him touch one to his lips! I SWEAR
he just ran one through his hair to track my eye-line and see if I was STARING!

Or maybe I’ve just been alone for too long.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Tone-Deaf Crow

tone-deaf crow
at my window
bleating like a battered
calling like a

deep and low
how you harrow
beating on my shattered
falling like the

The West

low, electronic

shipping container drums and dust and waste and rust and
industry removed

dense and sprawling

the core cut out, the core-hole yawning like a homeless
cat, my homely heart holding up its mangy body
dangling a morsel to tempt it to lead me
stroking its belly, feeling its neediness, willing to make it wait until it concedes that we’re

just the same

we’re hungry, and coreless
the Knight of the North East and the Cat of the North West.

Untitled #2


The Floating World


Saturday Morning (Stone Mouth)

I move into the stone mouth and
while little wiry Wing Chung boys fill the lift

fold myself inside

glide up the building’s body like a
flow of fluid through a vein, a shiver up a spine, a thought to a brain

level 3 is mine and so I exit the

little wiry Wing Chung chittering sealed behind rising

Bless their fragile fighting
bodies. Bless their breathing

And now I’m alone and the stone mouth is waiting for me to clean its

I’m alone and the stone mouth is silently waiting for me to clean its

The stone mouth is silently, steadily waiting for me to clean its

John Maus

I’m electric, I’m listening to shiny
shiny stars in a golden gaping
vacuum, every deep dark black little
pocket of the pauses between the
beats seeps through my ears and throbbing
body with the rhythm of a solar system, such
heavenly bodily mapping-out and
precision, glorious straits of glowing
ocean, such perfect grouping, neat
division, holy trios of incision, this
way, this way, that way, slicing, coral
reefs of chocolate icing, metal moving in one
motion, John Maus, you have my devotion.

Illegal Deep-Sea Diver (Preserved)

I view
through a bullet
proof layer of
by bullshit,
proof of a
complex bureaucratic hypocrisy
and wait
for some paint
to redeem me.

Untitled #1

I could swallow my tongue with the fear of
here, swear
by the son
of the father, close
up my horror-stung
soul like a bowl
with a fish
who has wished
to be

Grandma Gasping

I try to tell you of my
good grandmother gasping like a
terrified of death, wishing she was
dead, dead without the
lead-up, dead without the
Clare, there,
gasping like a
whale, wailing
like a whimpering baby, failed
by life, by chance, by
justice, failed
by her body, left
up to us, betrayed and jailed
by her body, left
for dead by health and hope and
just there, my
Clare, gasping
gasp, gasp, gasp, gasp, gasping for


And I try to tell you and I upset you and you tell me to


and I’m shocked and embarrassed and sorry and angry and I don’t know who is in the wrong.


A 37 year old Colac man died yesterday when he rushed into his burning house to save his three children, unaware they had already been rescued.
The Age – 21/2/10

One Foot in the Cathedral

Fuck it! I said to
myself. He was mine
once, I have every
right to go to his
house! Even if he’s moved
on! Even if his new wife and children are
there! Even if they’re having lunch at the
table! Even if they’re talking about
me! We certainly never had lunch
together! Certainly not at the table,
anyway! We just kind of did our own thing for
lunch! I need to see this new-family-lunch-spectacle for
myself! Just so I know I made the right decision to move
out! Even though I know I made the right decision to move
out! Without a
doubt! I just want to see what all this new-family-lunch-shit is all

So I bee-lined for the front
door, I’d catch him out with his new
whore! His four-score and twenty mongrel
children! I swore I’d tell them all what I
thought! I’d put an end to the

And setting one foot inside the Cathedral

getting ready to

I heard the hush of solemn
prayer, I felt the calm and
saw the amber of his angel
chorus, the aura of all who were

(And so I tip-toed out the
door and hurried down the

Dayle's Skin in My Carpet

I live in the dead boy’s

he had his bed by my

He broke his leg, I can tell by
the letters, demanding he pay
for the loan of the
crutches, demanding he pay
for the

I walk barefoot on his

I sit and I type where he

I lie on the carpet that

his hair and his skin in its
her -



I am the

just like the

